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Kedves Látogató! Dear Visitor!

Több mint 30 éve foglalkozunk profi és zeneiskolai fafúvós hangszerek javításával (klarinét, fuvola, oboa, fagott, szaxofon, furulya). Magas színvonalú szakértelmünkkel, precíz munkavégzésünkkel, igényes anyaghasználattal, valamint egyénre szabott, zenészközpontú hozzáállásunkkal nyertük meg ügyfeleink bizalmát. Örömünkre szolgál, hogy az ismerőseink ajánlására érkező hazai és külföldi zenészek visszatérő vendégeink lettek.
A klientúránk igénye hívta életre, hogy komplex kiszolgálással várjuk a hozzánk betérőket.
A 2017-ben nyílt üzletünkben egyedi, különleges kiegészítők mellett használt és új hangszerek eladásával is foglalkozunk. Számos vezető hangszerkészítő cég képviselete és kizárólagos forgalmazója vagyunk.
Nagy árukészlettel és kényelmes próbaszobával várjuk kedves vásárlóinkat.
Célunk a fafúvósok teljes körű kiszolgálása.

We have been repairing professional and student woodwind instruments (clarinets, flutes, oboes, bassoons, saxophones) for more than 30 years. We won the trust and confidence of our clients thanks to our high-level of expertise and knowledge, the precise work, the high-quality materials, and the personalized solutions focused on the musicians. We are delighted that the Hungarian musicians and their colleagues from abroad, visiting our repair shop recommended by our acquaintances have become returning clients.
According to the requirements of our clients, we’re offering complex services for interested parties.

In our shop opened in 2017, out of unique and special accessories, we are also selling new and used instruments. We are the representative and exclusive distributor of many well-known musical instruments manufacturing companies.

We are waiting for our clients with a large stock of instruments and accessories and also a test room.

Our goal is to provide a complete service to woodwind musicians.

Kiemelt termékek

Buffet Legende Oboe

The Légende Oboe offers remarkable accuracy, flexibility, centering and projection. Its quality acoustics, its extended harmonic spectrum and its ease of emission have been carefully worked on. Its strengths include easy transmission, a broad sound spectrum, flexible bindings, perfect intonation and Green LinE inserts for increased durability.

Buffet Prestige Oboe – Green-LinE®

Tradition and musical excellence in Green-LinE® The Prestige Oboe, the result of a collaboration between René Lesieux and Jean-Louis Capezzali, was reinvented in 1992, becoming an exceptional model. This instrument offers a frank and assertive sound, suitable for all musical styles, whether in orchestra, chamber music or solo. It combines stability and flexibility, while preserving the unique sound identity of Buffet Crampon.

Bulgheroni angolkürt

Body: Grenadilla wood Keys: nickel silver, thickly-layered silver plated Semi-automatic octaves key Conservatory model Left hand F key / 3: with third octave key Descending to low B Adjustable thumb-rest

Bulgheroni MUSA Oboe

The professional Oboe MUSA encapsulates all the tradition accumulated over many years of passion and experience. The workmanship of the wood and the mechanism guarantee excellent ease of performance. The attention to details and the stability of execution make this an ever-reliable instrument. Bulgheroni''s professional models enhance both solo and orchestra performances. Experience true emotions and feelings through playing an instrument which reflects tradition, quality and professionalism.

Bulgheroni Standard semi-automatic oboe

Even young children can feel like true artists because F.lli Bulgheroni devotes a great deal of meticulous care in the creation of their student''s model Oboe, suitable for those who are taking their first steps into the world of music. Made with the same materials as the professional models, it has been specially studied to produce an easy, immediate and well-defined emission of sound. Experience teaches that using a quality instrument right from the start guarantees success in the future.

Lorée angolkürt

F.Lorée English horn “i+3” Full conservatory plateau system Grenadilla wood – silver-plated keys Supplied with two silver-plated bocals All trill keys – 3rd octave key Left hand F key Low B resonance key

Marigaux M2 Oboa

The Marigaux M2 oboe required several years of research and resulted in the filing of international patents. All the Marigaux know-how is in this oboe. Personalised instrument with individual choice of head-joints

Thore Presto

PRESTO, professional/orchestral model grenadilla wood recommended for the wind and symphonic orchestra players


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